Tuesday, May 13, 2014

a brief ranting on the paranormal.

a brief ranting on the paranormal.

Consciousness is interconnected
Energy in various forms. And Bodies
contain a Unique Energy that (upon
The Subjects Death) either goes
Elsewhere, or Remains in a Realm/
Environment Familiar to It.)

There are some cases of course
in which the Phenomena is created
by a Grieving Individual who
unconsciously manipulates their
environment due to the sheer
Power of their Special Grief.
(often as a means by which to
verify, or give credence to their
hidden wishes.)

I won't at this moment attempt to
offer any useable measuring system
that might help determine the Nature
of paranormal phenomena, but feel
I must say from the beginning that,
while I respect all positive minded,
good-intended Religious Views,
religious considerations will often
cloud the objective quality of ones'

If you go about any observation with
dogma, or bias, your own bias will
often produce a preconceived result;
and though obviously any form of obs-
ervation will be subjectively flawed in
some way, with Vigilance we can keep
it to the barest minimum.

For Centuries there have been many
Theories, Ideas, and Interpretations of
paranormal Phenomena, so to attempt
naming them all would take volumes,
and distract me from the task of putting
down my own view. (though I don't claim
to be the originator of any theory I propose
in this work. I am writing down a view
shaped by analyzing various preexisting
views and and have formed in effect my
own conclusions etc.)


On Energy and it's relation to Spectral

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