Saturday, December 26, 2020





A phobia (by definition) is " an irrational 

fear of, or aversion to something." And by 

all accounts the list of phobias is very ex-tensive. 

The word Phobia derives from the greek 

word "Phobos." Meaning fear. And was a 

Minor Deity Figure in greek mythology.

The son of Aries, and Aphrodite. (with his 

Roman equivalent being Pavor. Or Terror.) 

Hesiod depicts Phobos on the shield of Heracles as "…staring backwards with eyes that glowed with fire. His mouth was full of teeth in a white row, fearful and daunting…"[8]

Phobos often is depicted as having a lion's or lion-like head. This may be seen in Description of Greece by Pausanias, "On the shield of Agamemnon is Phobos (Fear), who[se] head is a lion’s…" (source: Hesiod. Theogony. From wiki) 

Ironically enough..the word 


(which many today seem to collectively 

suffer) is used to describe a "fear of big 


There are many theories as to what causes 

the birth of a phobia, and (as is always the case involving states of  consciousness) 

there are different factors contributing 

to them. (Often the cause is attributed to 

Traumatic childhood or life experiences.) 

Do you have a phobia, or phobias? And If 

so what? And do you know the cause (s) 

of it/them? 


Monday, December 21, 2020

Outside the box

 The down- fall of trying to "think outside of the box", is that theres nothing but empty space outside of it; And I'm beginning to suspect that the confines of a box (even if it feels like a prison) happens to be more desireable than Existing At the Center of An Abyss.

Friday, December 4, 2020

On Understanding


A brief thought 

on Understanding.


More and more lately, I've began To draw the conclusion that If people were to take just a little more time trying to UNDERSTAND the reasons behind anothers  rude, seemingly rash behaviors,.. the world would be the better for it.

Because There is usually always an underlining reason for why people act negatively as they do;

And if we approach them with an attitude of compassion, Understanding, and Acceptance,

(rather than fighting negativity with negativity) we could all Help Eachother Grow As Individuals. 

For you cannot fight fire with fire ( and not expect the World to Burn as a  an end result.)


Sunday, September 27, 2020

In her discontent


She was lovely in 


Discontent ,

(In fact

Type of visual 


and filled my 


with wonderment.

(which steadily


Me Grows.)
