Saturday, August 22, 2015

on ethics.

I recall something that a wise
Young friend of mine said
A few weeks ago, which has
left such an impression upon
Me that I now feel compelled
To share, and reflect on his

"What makes you a good
Person, (he said.) Is how
You choose to act whenever
You don't think anyone is

On the surface, this statement
May seem mediocre in light
of the many complex arguments
posed by various philosophers
within the field of ethics, but
(To me) it effectively captures
the essence of what it is to be
Moral, and act in accordance to
One's sense of higher reason
in ways which perpetuate the
Greater Good.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The School of Life.

The School of Life. ___________________

Since Life is a School, and each day teaches
us new lessons, one can assert that (regardless
of age or acquired Wisdom) we are all merely
kindegarteners in The School of Life..who Learn
from (and Teach) Others as Our Universe expands,
and Progresses towards it's next Spiritual-Evolutionary
Stage of Cosmic Development. (which some have
posited is an endless process.)